See All of Our Lessons Here
Lesson #45 19.5
1.) Word of the day... synthesis
Yiddish is a synthesis of Hebrew and German
2.) Grammar
Review first and second conditionals
Home Work:
1.) Research one example of two countries that managed to reach a long term peace agreement. (WW1 and 2 not allowed)
a) Some examples: Ireland, South Africa, India,
b) Note the conditions that made peace possible
c) Compare and contrast your example with our current situation.
Lesson #44 12.5
2.) Grammar Review: Present Perfect
Lesson #43 12.4
1.) WOTD: Hiatus
There was a brief Hiatus during the war between Germany and France.
2.) Book Reports -- Where are your books
3.) Share what you learned about cyber security
4.) Reading from High Five p. 65 - 67
Lesson #42 5.4
1.) Reminder Book Report + Test on 9.5
There will be no unseen: You will need to do a short book report and post reading task for 'A Summer's Reading'
2.) WOTD: Surreptitiously
Biden surreptitiously avoided taking a position on the way China has been treating it's Uighur population.(hmm...)
Bump Reading
3.) Book Report: Fill out the form below with your chosen book.
4.) Post reading: on the test you will need to write a letter from George to Mr. Cattanzara (in the future) thanking him and telling him about his new life. ________________________________
Lesson #41 13.3
1.) Announcement Book Report + Unseen Test (9.5)
2.) Choose a book and bring it for next Sunday.
3.) WOTD: wedlock
In the past people used to disapprove having children out of wedlock. Now times have changed...
4.) Lesson with Gaya and Alon (Women's Day Activity)
5.) Journal: Describe a woman who you admire, it can be a family member, or a public figure. What do you admire about her?
Lesson #40 7.3
1. WOTD: pondering
After pondering for a long time, Adar decided exactly what he was going to say to ask Dana out on a date.
2. More 'fun' with prepositions.
b) Kahoot_______________________________
Lesson #39
1.) WOTD: resilient
People who live in the desert are usually less resilient to the cold winters in Canada.
2.) Grammar Review -- click the link and do the exercise below:
Lesson #38
WOTD: Vapid = not stimulating, not interesting, boring
His claims to have royal ancestry were rather vapid in my opinion, especially since he had no real proof.
Because of this vapid claim I began to lose interest in the conversation, and even felt like sleeping...
1.) Go over answers to last weeks work. P. 84
2.) Discuss our journals, what does it take to have world peace?
3.) Flip grid speaking work...
Click the link and follow the instructions:
Lesson #37 21.2
WOTD: Replica
It was a perfect crime. The thief switched the king's diamondfor a replica. Only a year later did he learn that the diamond was stolen!
1.) 9:45 - 10:15 do questions in High five p. 84-85(do it in your notebook)
2.) Journal -- Reflection: What do you think it takes for two countries to make peace and to keep the peace?
You can write this in your notebook.
Lesson #36 17.2
1.) We will be offline today.
2.) Today we will review the present perfect vs past simple
Please do the online exercise here and be ready to share your answers in class on Sunday:
Lesson #35 15.2
1.) WOTD: Emulate
The criminal was able to emulate kindness and justice so much, that no one suspected him.
2.) The Third Conditional
Third conditional conditional is this:
If + past perfect, would + present perfect
3.) Journal:
Write about THREE things about yourself that would be different if you could change the past.
Lesson #34 8.2
1.) WOTD: Characterized = having certain qualities
2.) Journal:
"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
2.) Grammar Review: Kahoot
3.) The Third Conditional
Lesson #34 7.2
1.) WOTD: Ostracized
Many people with disabilities are often and sadly, ostracized by the larger social group, and become invisible.
2.) Grammar Review: Second Conditional
3. Write FIVE examples in the online journal.
_____________________________________________Lesson #31 20.1
Continue studying questions on page 35 and the questions I posted last lesson.
Question and answer session for those who need it.
______________________________________Lesson #30 18.1
1.) Study for the test next week
Test will be on Mr. Know All
Test will include:
Here are some short answer questions that might be on the testso study them:
1.) What was Mr. Kelada's business on the ship?
2.) Who was Mr. Ramsay and why had he been in New York?
3.) What is the setting of the story?
4.) What nationality is the narrator?
5.) Why doesn't the narrator like Mr. Kelada?
6.) What is unique about Mrs. Ramsay?
Please study page 35 in the book for the analysis questions...
How to do the Analysis Questions
a.) Answer the question in 1-2 sentences
b.) Give an example 1-2 sentences
c.) Explain and defend your answer 1-3 sentences
page 35 Question #1b
Why do you think the author chose this setting for the story?
a) The author chose the setting because there is no place for the narrator to escape to, and he cannot avoid meeting Mr Kelada who the narrator does not like.
b) For example, the narrator has to deal with Mr. Kelada by sharing the same cabin and the same dining room. In addition, the antagonist, (Mr. Kelada) follows the narrator all over the ship.
c) In this way/ To sum up, the fact that the narrator cannot escape a man who he dislikes, adds to the conflict and the dram of the story.
HOTS:Higher Order Thinking Skills
Inferring - to make an educated guess (reading between the lines)
Uncovering motives - what is the true motivation for an action.or why is he or she really doing this?
Example: Why does Mr. Kelada talk a lot about being British?
Why does Mrs. R give Mr. K the money back?
Distinguishing Different Perspectives - Understanding how people see things differently.
On TWO of the questions you need to identify the thinking skill that you used.
______________________Lesson # 29 17.1_____________
Lesson #28 11.1
WOTD: Unscrupulous
1.) Review Past Perfect
2.) Break out rooms. Tell about your weekend usingthe past perfect.
3.) Continue working on the questions for 'A Summers Reading'
Lesson #27 10.1
1.) Today we will meet online for a quick Kahootto review grammar
2.) Then you can work off line on the assignment which is extended until 18.1
Lesson #26 4.1
WOTD: Awestruck
I was awestruck that he passed the exam, even though he never attended classes.
1.) Kahoot warm up
2.) Do analysis questions p. 23, 24, 25
Lesson 25 28.12
WOTD: Opulent
The furniture in the Queen's bedroom was opulent.
1.) Finish Reading Part III (bump reading)
2.) Kahoot: What Do you Remember?
3.) Homework: vocabulary practice and questions 9-12 on p. 21__________________________________
Lesson #24 28.12
1.) Continue bump reading part 2 p. 17-19
2.) Vocabulary exercise p. 19
3.) Questions 4-8 basic understanding
Kahoot, how well do you know the story?
Finish all questions on p. 19
Lesson #23 27.12
1.) WOTD: disparity
There is an increasing disparity between rich and poor in the United States.
2.) New Story, A Summer's Reading p.14
a) Discuss the Prereading Activity
b) Bump Reading p.14-15
1.) Page 16: Vocabulary Practice 1&2
2.) Do Questions: 1-4
Lesson #22 20.12Agenda:1.) Speaking and Presenting With a Partner
A) Post a picture on padlet that represents your Hannuka vacation.
B) Write Down THREE things that were fun interesting or exciting.
C) Use FIVE of the words from the list below:
- humdrum
- fascinating
- dubious
- furious
- ecstatic
- stupendous
- preposterous
- affront
______________________________________________Lesson #21 6.12
1.) Continue Working On Mr. Know All. (Page 37)
Do Bridging Text and Context Question #1
- 120 words long
- Use a minimum of FOUR connectors: first, in addition, even though, for example, to conclude
- Written in paragraphs
- Essay format
- Hand it in on teams in the assignments section (I will not accept this in chat/email or on the mashov)
2.) Meet me on Zoom to look at your test in private.
Lesson #20 24.11
Class will be off line today due to the chemistry test.
Please review the second conditional here:
Please do the exercises here:
After you can use your time to study for the test.
Lesson #19 23.11
1.) WOTD: Stiffed (verb) or Stiff
To be cheated or a victim of fraud.
I paid him but he didn't give me the car. I have been stiffed!
2.) Journal:
Write a short story using the words that will be on the test next week.Use at least 5 words.
Lesson #18 22.11
- humdrum
- fascinating
- dubious
- furious
- ecstatic
- stupendous
- preposterous
- affront
- 120 words long
- Use a minimum of FOUR connectors: first, in addition, even though, for example, to conclude
- Written in paragraphs
- Essay format
- Hand it in on teams in the assignments section (I will not accept this in chat/email or on the mashov)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Test Next Week 29.11
1.) WOTD: Instigate
After the fist fight was over the police asked questions to see who instigated it.
2.) The test will be an unseen (70 points) and vocabulary (30 points).
Here is a practice unseen that we will do today
At the end of the lesson I will share the answers.
3.) Reading strategies:
1) Translate the title and guess what the article might be about
2) Write down or underline all of the names (wordS with CAPITAL LETTERS)
3.) Write down or underline all numbers and dates.
4.) Read the first paragraph. (What is the main idea)
5.) Read each question, then search for the answer according to the lines in the text.
4.) Here is the vocabulary list you will need to study:
You will need to complete sentences with ALL TEN of these words.
Then you will need to write sentences using ANY FIVE words from the list. (grammar will be graded)
Lesson #17 18.11
Do the Analysis and Interpretation questions for Mr. Knowall questions 1-8 p. 35
Lesson #16: 11.11
1.) Only bump reading
2.) Finish questions on page 34 (Do 1-15)
Lesson #15 9.11
1.) WOTD: demeanor: behavior, tone, attitude
The tour guide spoke often with a mean demeanor whenever the tourists asked questions.
Because of that he was replaced.
2.) Bump reading and more
Lesson #14 8.11
WOTD -- Affront = an insult, an attack, to offend
If you had a different opinion he took it as an affront to his vanity (loves him/herself)
1.) Speaking Practice how do you feel about the election results?
2.) Bump reading
Lesson #13 4.11
1.) WOTD --- Port Hole
I begged him to open the porthole, the air was that bad in here.
2.) Please read part 2 of Mr. Know All (page 30) and do questions 1-10 on page 31
Lesson #12 1.11
Agenda --- Happy Halloween!
1.) WOTD: Sleep Paralysis
Because of my sleep paralysis, I woke up and was unable to move, and I sensed a strange shape like a creature standing next to me.
2.) Group discussion.... watch the video:
Has anyone had dreams like this before?
What is sleep paralysis?
3.) Class discussion, lets go over the answers from last week's assignment.
4.) Bump Reading p 27. Mr. Know All
Finish reading page 27 and 28. Do the questions (1-8) on page 29
Lesson #11 26.10
1.) WOTD: Integrity = always telling the truth, solid and stable, strong character, strong morality.
Because of her great integrity, I believe she is telling the truth about what she saw last night.
2.) Speaking Activity
With a partner do the activity on the page I sent in WhatsApp
Do, A,B, and C. Present your results to the class.
Thinking skills:
- Infering
- Identifying patterns
- Distinguishing perspectives
- Uncovering Motives
Lesson #10 21.10
1.) There is no online class today.
2.) Just work on the Bridging Assignment.
Make sure to hand it in on Teams in the Assignment Section for 25.10
Lesson # 9 19.10
1.) WOTD: Rash (verb) (noun) The example below is a verb:
Rash (v) = reckless, suddenly, without thought
Due to his anger he made a sudden rash decision. He left the meeting and slammed the door loudly.
2.) Journal:
"We live to survive our paradoxes" The Tragically Hip
What do you think this quote means?
3.) Work on the Bridging Assignment I gave yesterday on page 13.
First paragraph: introduction--- answer the question
Second paragraph: 1st argument to support your answer (give examples)
Third paragraph: 2nd argument to support your answer (give examples)
Fourth paragraph: summarize your argument and opinion (conclusion)
Lesson # 8 18.10
1.) WOTD: Eerie = spooky, scary, creepy, strange, unknown
They heard an eerie sound coming from the basement of the old abandoned house.
2.) Homework check:
Page 12 1-10
Be ready to share your answers
3.) Graded Assignment:
'Do bridging Text and Context' :
- ONLY DO question 1 a) and b) on page#3
- It must be a minimum 120 words.
- Must be done in essay format like the book review.
- Must use connectors: 'First, In addition, Eventhough, To conclude)
Lesson #7 11.10
1.) WOTD: Lavish = fancy, big, expensive, luxurious, eye catching
The Queen had a lavish party for her birthday.
3.) Homework check p.11 literature.
Do questions 1-10 on page 12
Lesson #6 30.9
1.) WOTD: Envy
I envy his good looks
2.) Journal:
What does this quote mean for you?
"Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy" Robert A. Heinlein
3.) Grammar review on kahoot.
Lesson #5 23.9
1.) WOTD: Egregious
The egregious nature of the crime disturbed both the judge and the lawyer.
2.) Introduction to Poetry p. 10
- Do pre-reading activity a-d.
- Read the poem together aloud
- Do vocabulary Practice and Questions p.11
Lesson #5 21.9
1.) WOTD: Jovial 'He was a jovial old fellow, and for that everyone loved him.'
2.) Journal:
"Every Saint has a past, and every sinner has a future" -Oscar Wilde
Write in a few words what this quote means for you.
3.) Poetry and Song (Do this in the online worksheet see the link above)
A.) Listen to the Song Time By Pink Floyd. (we won't listen to the whole thing... it's too long)
Don't Read The Words!
B)Write down the feelings that that song gives you.
Describe the mood of the song
C) Imagine that the sound of the voices and instruments... and rhythm is telling a story. What story do you think is being told?
4.) Telling the News
Tell the news to the class using the padlet that we did last week
Read the words to the song 'Time' by Pink Floyed. Compare what you understand from the words with
what you understood just from 'FEELING' the song in the last activity.
Lesson #4 14.9
1.) WOTD
2.) "If I order people to things that they don't want to do, then I am no longer cheif"
Do you agree with this quote why or why not? What do you think it means?
Think about 'The Social Contract' that you learned about in civics class.
3.) Bump reading page 8
Do questions on page 8,9, and 10.
4.) News activity
a) Work with a partner
b) Find a news story (doesn't need to be recent) about a person who did something heroic to help others.
c) write down the basic facts of the story (who, what, where, why, and when)
d) create a news grafic here:
e) post it on padlet
Lesson #4 13.9
Agenda:1.) WOTD: Uncouth --- With dirt under his finger nails, a dirty shirt and a house full of garbage... yes this fellow is the definition of uncouth.2.) Journal: Write 40 words about the quote below. What does it mean, what can we learn from this? Capsul A student can post there journal online here. Please click the link at the top that says: 'ONLINE JOURNAL'.
"Reality is just a figment of your lack of imagination" -Chuck Hammel
3.) Book Reports Capsul B Will do the book report today in class.
4. Capsule A students please work in the book: 'High Five' do pages 7-9
Lesson #3 10.9
Agenda:1.) WOTD: Juxtaposition2.) Book Reports Capsul A Will do the book report today in class.Capsule B can plan their book report.Capsule B students: please be ready to do your book report in class next week.3.) Icebreaker/ Journal --- Describe your summer in three words and explain to your partner4. Expectations/Rules --- explanation of bonus points
Lesson #2 7.9
Agenda:1.) WOTD: Juxtaposition2.) Book Reports Capsul A Will do the book report today in class.Capsule B can plan their book report.Capsule B students: please be ready to do your book report in class next week.3. Journal: 30-40 wordsWhat do you think is the key to success?Capsul B Students please write this in your notebook at home and show me your work next week.Lesson #1: 6.9Agenda:1.) WOTD --- DauntingLearning to use teams might seem a bit daunting.2.) Ice breaker/ journalA) Find a partner ask them to describe their summer with three words. Then ask them what their goals are for this year.Share this with the class.B) For Students At Home:Go to padlet and post a picture to represent your own goal, write about why it's important and what you need to reach it.3.) Expectations2.) Orientation how to use teams for this lessonsee the video here3.) Scavenger Hunt -- PartnersEach partner will secretly write down one sentence about some advice to help make this year easier.Each partner will hide their message outside. And give their partner clues how to find their message...In English!(For Students At Home)With a partner find the emojis that I hid inside teams.Put your name on the google doc and tell me where each emojii is hidden.