You Can See All of Our Lessons Here
Lesson #46 8.4 -- Oral Matconet Notes:
A) Oral Matconet:
Oral Matconet and Hadmaya is on 18.4.
It will be in class rooms and computer lab. I will send you the rooms next week.
Arrive for 9:00, better to arrive minutes earlier.
It will actually start at 9:15.
No water, notes or dictionaries are allowed in the computer rooms.
You can bring your own earphones
Or bring wipes to clean the school's earphones
There will probably be problems with the computers and there will probably be delays.
Just stay relaxed and confident. In the end you will get a fair test.
Usually there are problems with passwords in the beginning... (this is normal!)
First be confident, you will all do well as long as you practice.
Exam is in THREE Parts:
1.) Personal questions -- use your script to practice (should speak for about 1 minute)
2.) Project questions -- again practice with your script (speak for 2 minutes)
3.) Video -- watch a video and answer questions about it. (speak for about 1-2 minutes)
Don't start and stop the recording.. do one single recording for each question, like what we did on flip grid.
If your recording is bad you can delete it and redo it, but YOU CAN RUN OUT OF TIME...
YOU GET 37 MINUTES your recordings, then the computer is locked.
Please speak softly when doing the exam so you don't disturb other students.
When you finish you will need to meet your homeroom teacher
B.) Hagasha Grades:
70% matconet + 30% project presrentation = oral hagasha grade.
If you didn't present your project on flipgrid do it here before 15.4
C) Bagrut Dates:
Two Bagrut dates, you can choose:
Either 26.4 or 25.5
25.5 is a bad date because the module E is on 26.5
You should choose 26.4
D) Practice:
1.) First you should practice using your scripts.
You already wrote a script for your project.
Use this script for personal questions: CLICK HERE
2.) You can do practice questions on this website: CLICK HERE
3.) You can do another practice exam: CLICK HERE
E) Module E:
We need to find a date where everyone can come to school to do a Module E
Moed bet for the last test.
Please decide on a date when we can do the test.
Everyone needs to do it! If you don't want to change the grade then
it will count as a practice test only.
If you did bad on the last test then this is your chance to raise your grade.
Module E Matconet is on 6.5
Module E Bagrut is on 26.5
Lesson #46 18.3
Project Presentation
Use the script that you made in February to present your project.
It should be TWO MINUTES long.
Please record it on Flipgrid:
Lesson #46 17.3
Assignment Due Today at 20:00
Go to the practice exam here:
Answer question sets 1 personal questions and 3 video response questions.
Post your answers on flipgrid:
Lesson #45 10.3
Oral Bagrut Practice --- WARNING (the matconet is in April and the bagrut on 26.4
1.) Breakout rooms practice personal questions USE THE SCRIPT
2.) Study advanced grammar and vocabulary for Oral Bagrut
5.) TESTS -- Why people didn't do so well (easy to fix --- PAY ATTENTION!)
Lesson # 44 10.3
Do the practice quiz before midnight tonight.
Also remember:
When they ask for ONE answer... only give one answer or it's ZERO!
If it asks you to COMPLETE the sentence... the answer must fit the beginning of the sentence or it's ZERO!
These were common mistakes on the test... so let's see you if can be victorious on this practice quiz!
Lesson #43 3.3
Practice test:
Lesson #42 18.2
1.) 8:00 - 8:30 do questions in High five p. 84-85
2.) 8:30 Meet on teams and go over the answers
3.) Finish p. 86 section A: using words and using language (bottom)
** Attention we have test coming on 4.3
Lesson #42 18.2
1.) 8:00 - 8:30 do questions in High five p. 84-85
2.) 8:30 Meet on teams and go over the answers
3.) Finish p. 86 section A: using words and using language (bottom)
** Attention we have test coming on 4.3
Lesson #41 10.2
1.) What is the Oral Bagrut? See the power point below to know everything!
2.) Project Presentation. Prepare a presentation about your project.
This will count for your hagasha grade.
- Cue cards are allowed
- You can record your face or show a power point presentation --
- Must be 2 minutes long
- Record it on flip grid
- Make an introduction (your name, your topic, why you chose your topic)
- Discuss one part/ or chapter in detail (what you learned, what surprised you)
- Discuss how your findings impact the community
- Give a conclusion -- do you have any advice based on what you learned?
Lesson #40 8.2
Unseen practice for Modudle E
This was sent in the What's App Group
Lesson #39 22.1
1.) Interview Practice for Oral Bagrut
Work with a partner and use the link below to select topics to talk about:
Lesson #38 21.1
Today we will continue working in the same groups.
This time your group will finish all of the Analysis and HOTs
Questions in a new Teams assignment.
This is to be done during the lesson time and will be graded after midnight tonight.
Lesson #37 20.1
** We have a test on 27.1 which will be about the play.
To study for the test you will work in groups of 3 and do the practice questions on the Google doc
Questions 1-8 of the short answer questions will be due today at in Teams.
Questions 1-6 of the Analysis questions + Bridging will be done on Thursday in Teams.
Lesson #36 14.1
We will read from the play again today.
Act 3
Lesson #35 11.1
Today we are reading Act 3 from Twelve Angry Men.
Lesson #34 7.1
Do the journal here:
Lesson #33 6.1
Work in Groups of Four people.
Do the Analysis and interpretation questions 1-5.
Post your answers in the grade 11 class worksheet. (see the green link above)
That is all for today!
Lesson #32 4.1
1.) Finish reading act two by yourself
This was homework on Thursday
2.) Do the basic understanding questions on page 53
and the vocabulary exercise on page 54
Lesson #31 31.12
1.) Continue reading 12 Angry Men
2.) Finish the Analysis and Interpretation Questions
Lesson #30 30.12
1.) Read Act Two: 12 Angry Men
2.) Do the Analysis and Interpretation questions for act one
See the assignment in Teams: Due Monday 4.1.21
Lesson #29 23.12
1.) Practice This Unseen:
Post Your Answers On Padlet:
2.) If You Have Questions About Your Test Meet Me At This Zoom Link:
Lesson #29 21.12
1.) Go over answer to the test.
2.) One on one meetings with students who have questions about the test.
3.) Thursday 24.12 there will be a moed bet.
This will raise your grade. 60% first test + 40% second test.
Lesson #28 10.12
Here is the test. Click the link below and put in your FIRST and LAST name.
There are TWO parts: READING and LISTENING.
Lesson #27 9.12
Class will be offline today. Please make sure you finish the unseen from last lesson.
If you did the unseen from last lesson then please do this new unseen here
Lesson #26 2.12
Today we are doing a practice quiz. There will be NO GRADE.
But everyone needs to do it.
There are two parts:
Part 1: Listening-- Listen to the video and answer the questions
Part 2: Unseen--Read the Text and Answer the Questions
Read The Unseen Here:
Lesson #25 26.11
WOTD: To stem / or Stem (verb)
The Mayor asked the police to stem the problem of people driving their cars too fast on the main road.
1.) Bump reading 12 angry men
2.) One on One meetings with students
Home Work:
Finish all the questions on PAGE 28-29.
I sent this in the WHATS APP GROUP
Lesson #24 23.11
1.) WOTD - Stiff or Stiffed (verb) = scammed, cheated, fraud, ripped off
Even though I paid in full the company stiffed me and didn't deliver the goods.
2.) Journal (45 words)
"Today becoming a young entrepreneur might be as rational a choice as looking for a job."
Why does the writer say this and do you agree with it?
3.) Homework Check. I'm giving away salash to every student who volunteers to share their answers from questions 1-7 on page 70 in High Five.
Lesson #23 19.11
1.) Check your answers from yesterdays unseen.
2.) Do the work in High Five pages 70-71
Lesson #22 18
1.) Do the unseen and post your answers in the online journal (Purple Link Above)
Lesson #21 12.11
1.) WOTD: Arbitrage
It was a classic example of good arbitrage. He bought a Hundai I30 for 8000 shekels
and sold it for 13000.
Lesson #20 11.11
1.) Bump Reading 12 Angry Men. (See the yellow link above)
2.) Work on Questions (see picture in whats app)
Lesson #19 5.11
1.) Brash self-assertive in a rude, noisy, or overbearing way
Many people thought that Donald was too brash to be a politician, but he proved us all wrong in 2016.
2.) Last lesson to work on project.
3.) Remember it is due on 11.11
Lesson #18 4.11
1.) WOTD: Coy = pretending to be shy so as not to tell the truth
The new mayor was coy when asked to explain his plans to boost the economy, instead he talked about how 'great our city is'.
2.) Journal:
Who do you think might win the U.S. Election and why? (without talking about numbers) (30-40 words)
3.) Continue working on your project
Lesson #18 02.11
1.) How to write a bibliography
Your bibliography should be on one page and it should look like this:
Last name, first name. 'article name' Source Name. Year of publication
page numbers (if available). Website.
Higgins, Ryan. 'How to Write a Bibliography' Lesson #18.
3.11 2020, page 18.
2.) Continue working on project
Lesson #17 28.10
Work on the project... remember it is due on Wednesday 11.11
Use this time wisely.
Today I you will need to post your names and the final draft here:
Lesson #16 26.10
1.) WOTD: Integrity
Because of her personal integrity I decided to trust her even though her story was strange.
2.) Hand in Your Final Draft of Your Project on Next Wednesday. 11.11.20
It must include everything listed below:
1.) Title Page --- ( must have your name, the title, date, an image)
2.) Table of Contents (תוכן עניינים) each section with a page numbers: 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 9
Chapter 12 13
3.) Introduction
4.) Chapter 1
5.) Chapter 2
6.) Chapter 3
7.) Conclusion
8.) Bibliography
9.) Appendix (it's your plan + copies of your notes)
Lesson # 15 22.10
1.) WOTD: Ponder = to wonder, to consider, to think about
I was pondering a way to make poetry more interesting for my students
2.) Discuss the journals from Monday's class
3.) Begin Reading the Play '12 Angry Men'
See the link below:
Home Work:
Finish reading about each character on page 3 (page 4-5)
Draw a simple representation for each character and label it.
Example: Juror #3 Draw a strong and mean looking person.
Take a picture of your drawings and put it in teams... in the assignment section
Lesson #14 19.10
1.) WOTD: Decrepit = old, weak, sickly
The man was not young, actually he looked rather decrepit, so we didn't ask him to help carry the bags.
2.) Journal:
Do you believe in the death penalty? Why or why not?
3.) Work on your project... do your good draft.
Your good draft is due next Monday
Lesson #13 15.10
1.) WOTD: unscathed
She escaped the burning house unscathed.
2.) Journal:
"We live to survive our paradoxes" The Tragically Hip
What does this quote mean for you?
3.) Presentations ---finish news presentation
Page 70-71 read the article and answer all of the questions.
Lesson #12 14.10
1.) WOTD: Rash
I went to the doctor because I had a skin rash on my hand. (noun)
Don't be rash, don't just yell at your boss when he makes you angry. (verb)
2.) Telling the news, on padlet
3.) Work on Project
Begin writing your good copy (draft of the project)
Lesson #11 12.10
1.) WOTD: Eerie = creepy or weird
In the haunted house we could hear eerie sounds coming from the closet
2.) Telling the News with Graphics
Follow the instructions on this link here:
Lesson #10 1.10
1.) WOTD: Lavish adj -- fancy, expensive, and big
Verb: to lavish
The Trump family had a lavish birthday party.
2.) Journal:
"Human beings are like elastic bands, they work best when they are stretched" Mr. Leach
How can we apply this quote to our life?
3.) Grammar review:
Lesson #9 30.9
You must send me the complete plans for you projectby this Thursday 1.10.20
1.) WOTD: Envy
Many players envied Michael Jordan for his skill and fame.
2.) Journal:
What does this quote mean for you?
"Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy" Robert A. Heinlein
3.) Finish planning your project.
Lesson #8 24.9
1.) Continue working on your project.
A) You can do this offline but you will need to meet me again on teams at 8:45.
B) Show proof of your work by posting your work inside the orange link above.
C) If you finished your chapters early... start the conclusion.
Each chapter should have two articles = 6 articles in total!
Each chapter should answer each of your THREE questions
Lesson #7 21.9
1.) WOTD: Jovial
'He was a jovial old man. For that everyone loved him'
2.) Journal:
"Every Saint has a past, and every sinner has a future" -Oscar Wilde
Write a few words telling me what this quote means for you.
Lesson #6 17.9
1.) WOTD - Unreserved
Donald Trump is easily described as being 'unreserved' in the way that he speaks.
2.) Journal: How can we make the holiday fun even though we are doing it in isolation?
3.) Book Reports -- Those who haven't done it please do it now and submit it to teams.
DON'T TYPE IT. Write it in your notebook. Take picture of it and upload it to teams
4.) Project Plan -- If you already gave me your book report, continue planning your project
You should have a topic and three questions. Each question will be a chapter in your project.
So begin finding research materials to answer each question.
You must use written articles, but you can also use videos, interviews with people, and blog posts
Lesson #5 16.9
1.) WOTD -Privy
2.) Journal -- "Reality is a figment of your lack of imagination" what do you think this means?
Do you agree with it?
3.) Projects... have your topics ready. Today we will think of 3 questions that you have about your topic.
a) think of three questions and one main question
b) Work on an introduction an fill out the plan in the google doc below. Only work on the introduction.
Print this worksheet and fill in your plan, or copy it into your notebook:
Lesson #4 14.9
1.) WOTD; repugnant
2.) Finish Book Report
3.) Work on Unseen... see handout
Lesson # 3 10.9
1.) WOTD Uncouth
My neighbor is very uncouth because he never showers and his house is a mess.
2. Journal-----
Choose a topic for a project
Choose a partner
Think of 3 questions about the topic
Due for Monday 14.9.20 .... write in your notebook....
Lesson #2: 9.9
1.) WOTD -Daunting
Many people think that using teams is daunting, but in a few weeks they will be confident using it.
2.) Journal
3.) Expectations
Lesson #1: 8.9
1.) WOTD Juxtaposition
A teddy bear with a knife is an example of juxtaposition. (putting opposite ideas together)
2.) Ice breaker/ journal
A) Find a partner ask them to describe their summer with three words. Then ask them what their goals are for this year.
Share this with the class.
B) Go to padlet and post a picture to represent your own goal, write about why it's important and what you need to reach it.
3.) Expectations
2.) Orientation how to use teams for this lesson
see the video here
3.) Scavenger Hunt:
With a partner find the emojis that I hid inside teams.
Put your name on the google doc and tell me where each emojii is hidden.