See All of Our Lessons Here
Lesson #28 15.2
1.) Mindfulness :-)
2.) Enrichment: how to avoid making a bad argument. (Useful for writing essays and clear thinking)
See Presentation on Logical Fallacies:
Search online for a news story or possibly even 'fake news' and see if you can find an example
of a logical fallacy.
3.) You are allowed to redo ONE literature test of your choice.
If you want to do this please fill out the form below:
I will give you the test to do on Wednesday.
Lesson #27 8.2
1.) WOTD: characterized -- qualities, traits, properties -- your nature
Corona is characterized as being quite contagious, and includes a fever and a dry cough.
2.) Choose either unseen practice or an essay practice
If you practice the essay, I will observe and give feedback.
Lesson #26 18.1
WOTD: Unscrupulous
The siege of the Whitehouse is the result of more than a few unscrupulous politicians.
** 50/50 chance of a Matconet next week and Bagrut on 11.2-- so put literature aside for now.
1.) New Essay Quiz to Boost Your Hagasha
The essay will be in teams.
Some people like Elon Musk think that we should colonize the planet Mars. Do you think this is a worth while goal? (Explain your opinion)
Please do this during class time.
Lesson #25 11.1
Literature and assignment catch up.
See the XL File to see your old literature grades. You are allowed to redo
ONE assignment to boost your module F grade.
You can only redo either a post reading, bridging, or book report assignment.
You cannot redo any test or summative assessment.
When you do the assignment submit it in teams and the due date is Thursday Morning.
A) BOOK REPORT --- Write an opinion essay, using your template about a book that you read.
B) ANY BRIDGING TASK -- Research the author of the poem or story on google.
Explain how what you learned adds to your understanding of the story. 120 WORDS
C) POST READING -- Write a different ending to the story. If it's a poem write a new ending for it.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT--- IF you failed a SA then you can do an assignment to raise that grade next week. (only if you failed it)
Missing work---- you are allowed to hand in any missing work.
Lesson #24 6.1
The matconet is on Monday 11.1
1.) Essay do this on the online worksheet treat this as a quiz.
If you do very well on it, I will use it to raise the grade from your G test. (up to 20%)
2.) I will post a practice unseen here for homework
I will include the answer key
Hagasha (Submission Grade)
This is the formula all the teachers are using to get your 'hagasha grade':
Matconet = 40%
Module G Test = 30%
Active Participation = 10%
Two Online Essays = 20 %
Lesson #23 30.1
1.) Grammar Continued
Gerunds and infinitives
2.) Logical Fallacies and Debate
This will be a power point presentation and discussion
Do the module G practice here:
Lesson #22 28.12
1.) Grammar Warm Up
Do these exercises to warm up your grammar:
Prepositions with verbs and adjectives
2.) Writing Practice:
a) Write an opinion paper using the template only using 80 words!
b) Tell me your opinion about Voting.
Should people need to pass a basic knowledge exam in order to vote?
Lesson #21 9.12
Class is offline today.
Please read this text and answer the questions. I hope you all find the text interesting:
Note that it is not possible to answer the last question.
Lesson #20 7.12
Grammar Practice:
1.) Do present perfect exercises (there is a video inside for the rules)
2.) Do the 2nd conditional exercise:
3.) Write your own examples of the present perfect and the second conditional in the journal.
Lesson 19 30.11
1.) Review and Practice
2.) Go over answers to the work on p. 32-35
1. The attempt to fight obesity / To persuade people to to make better eating choices
2. ii -- food manufacturers
3. i -- how knowledge is ineffective against images
4. People mostly focus on photos People have an emotional response to photos
5. iv --prove
6.the pictures of salads improved eating choices/the pictures worked
7. ii --How to successfully combat the obesity crisis
3.) Practice: Do pages 70-73
Also the writing practice
Lesson #18 25.11
1.) WOTD: instigate
The police did an investigation to see who instigated the violence on the street.
Essay Writing Review
3.) Home Work:
Do page 32-35
Lesson #17 23.11
Announcement: I will add the bonus points for early essay submission later today.
1.) Remember that on essays:
You must have 3 advanced pieces of grammar
Present Perfect and/or Passive Voice, Gerund, and a Second Conditional.
2.) We will meet one on one to look at the quiz results (grades are not permanent)
If you do better on the next quiz I will change your grade. (best 1/2)
See the Zoom link:
3.) Practice the grammar worksheets below on your own. This will help you with your essay.
Lesson #16 18.11
1.) Finish Module G Essay Quiz
2.) If you finished this already please do the practice in the book:
'Total Bagrut'
Do pages 49-53. Do the unseen and questions on page 57.
Lesson #15
Module G Quiz
1.) Do the unseen:
2.) Do the Essay
Lesson #14 9.11
1.) WOTD: demeanor
The tour guide spoke with a mean demeanor anytime a tourist asked a question that he thought was stupid. It was for that reason that he was replaced.
2.) Reminder: 11.11 we have an unseen and essay (Module G Quiz)
Here is a video that introduces the topic of the unseen:
3.) Essay Practice with a partner.
Lesson #13 4.11
1.) WOTD: Coy evasive, to stay away from or not do something, avoid
by pretending to be shy or modest
The new mayor was coy when asked to explain his plans to boost the economy, instead he talked about how 'great our city is'.
2.) Journal:
Who do you think might win the U.S. Election and why? (without talking about numbers) (30-40 words)
3.) Class Work:
Practice p. 32-34
3.) Homework
Work practice: Total Bagrut p. 28-31
Lesson #12 2.11
1.) Quiz prep...
Do the practice quiz I send on whats app
I will send the answer key at the end of the lesson.
Lesson #11 28.10
Quiz Prep
Do the practice from page 46 here:
Lesson #10 26.10
Quiz review
Lesson #9 21.10
1.) WOTD: Ponder = to think about / or to consider
We were pondering different ways to test the students from home.
2.) Practice Quiz
Full Name
Password: 1234
Lesson #8 19.10
This Wednesday-- Online Practice Quiz -- Module G Unseen
1.) WOTD: Rash (adjective) = acting without thinking
Because he was angry, he made the rash decision to slam the door. He slammed it so hard that the it could be heard from across the street.
2.) Answers from last week:
Page 19-21
1) are miserly
2) ii
3) they are frugal / don't worship their money / don't indulge
4) i
5) ii
6) she thinks they are too thrifty
7) iv
8) this is an opinion question
3.) Work: do pages 24,25, 26, and 27
4.) Finish correcting your essays for Wednesday 21.10
Lesson #7 13.10
1.) WOTD -- Eerie = creepy, strange, scary, weird
The sound of the wind passing through the haunted house was eerie.
2.) Journal:
"We live to survive our paradoxes" The Tragically Hip
What do think this quote actually means? Explain.
3.) Homework check and bump reading
Lesson #6 12.10
1.) WOTD -- Lavish = fancy, expensive and big
The prime minister is sometimes criticized for using his position to maintain a lavish lifestyle.
2.) Redo the Opinion Essay ---
3.) Review last weeks grammar homework
-Total Bagrut page 19-21
Lesson #5 30.9
1.) WOTD -- Envy
I envied Ringo Star for being in the rock and roll hall of fame.
2.) Journal:
What does this quote mean for you?
"Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy" Robert A. Heinlein
3.) Grammar review-- Do the exercises below:
Homework--- Do these exercises:
Lesson #5 23.9
1.) WOTD --egregious
The egregious nature of the crimes disturbed both the judge and the lawyer.
2.) Total Bagrut -- check answers for questions p. 6-7
REMEMBER: this was assigned on the day we did the book report
3.) Class Work:
Read and try the strategy on p. 9
Do the practice on page 10 and 11
Finish pages 12-14 --Grammar Review
Announcement: your essays that we started on Monday are due today at midnight
Lesson #4: 21.9
1) WOTD -- Jovial 'He was a jovial old man and for that everyone loved him'
Jovial - always positive, laughing, making other feel happy
2) Journal: "Every Saint has a past, and every sinner has a future" -Oscar Wilde
Write down in only a few words...
3.) Essay practice
See the template in the link below:
Do you think we have a problem with pollution on Israeli beaches?
Tell me your opinion using the essay template that I gave you.
Here is a list of fancy words you can use:
Have Two Articles Ready for Wednesday---
The two articles should answer your first research question
Lesson#3: 14.9
1.) WOTD -Repugnant
Personally, I think the actions of our prime minister of late have been rather repugnant.
2.) “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. -Albert Camus
Write down what this quote means in few words (40 minimum)
3.) Essay Practice
How to write an essay for module G:
Structure, Grammar, Connectors
4.) Practice: Write your book review either in class or online. You will have ONE HOUR to complete it.
If you are at home you will need to upload your book review into the assignments section.
How to submit your book review inside teams:
5.) Homework
Total Bagrut pages 5-8
1.) WOTD -Repugnant
Personally, I think the actions of our prime minister of late have been rather repugnant.
2.) “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. -Albert Camus
Write down what this quote means in few words (40 minimum)
3.) Essay Practice
How to write an essay for module G:
Structure, Grammar, Connectors
4.) Practice: Write your book review either in class or online. You will have ONE HOUR to complete it.
If you are at home you will need to upload your book review into the assignments section.
How to submit your book review inside teams:
5.) Homework
Total Bagrut pages 5-8
Lesson #2: 9.9
WOTD: Daunting
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. -Albert Camus
What do you think this quote means? How can it help us in life?
Post your refelction here:
Book Report: plan your book report and have it ready to write your final draft on Thursday 17.9
Lesson#1: 7.9
1.) WOTD
2.) Ice breaker/ journal
A) Find a partner ask them to describe their summer with three words. Then ask them what their goals are for this year.
Share this with the class.
B) Go to padlet and post a picture to represent your own goal, write about why it's important and what you need to reach it.
3.) Expectations
2.) Orientation how to use teams for this lesson
see the video here
3.) Scavenger Hunt:
With a partner find the emojis that I hid inside teams.
Put your name on the google doc and tell me where each emojii is hidden.