All Your English Lessons Are Here
Lesson #42 11.5
1.) WOTD Impervious --- Unaffected by things, or resistant --
The tank was impervious to the bullets that the terrorists fired at it.
2.) Check answers for last weeks reading work p.66-67
3.) Review the past perfect and for the test
*** Test is on 13.5 Thursday this week
Past perfect practice:
Lesson #42 16 and 18.3
1.) Announcement: Moed Bet for test is on 18.3 Thursday
2.) WOTD: Tempest = storm
The ship carrying gold was hit by a tempest and now it is at the bottom of the ocean. :-)
3.) Reading Comprehension Practice
4.) Book Report -- Due in May... (get a book and bring it on Thursday)
Lesson #41 11.3
1.) WOTD: perpetually
The shines perpetually, or at least until it burns out 5 billion years in the future.
I like him because he is perpetually trying to be a better person.
2.) Speaking Assignment:
a) Go to flip grid and upload a video showing me your favorite place to be. It can be
in your home, or outside, or you can use a picture if the place is far away.
b) Tell me why you enjoy this place, when or how often you go there, what you do there. and anything else you can think of.
Your video will be private, only I can see it.
If you want others to see it let me know and I will
publish it. So if you are shy there is no excuse not to do this assignment.
It will be graded and put into the mashov.
Go to this link to record your video:
Lesson #40 4.3
1.) WOTD: devoid
The entire room was devoid of sadness, everyone was laughing.
2.) Grammar Exercises:
Practice making questions in the past perfect:
3.) Journal
Write a short story using the past simple and the past perfect (50 words)
You can use this story prompt below... OR create your own story. :-)
Imagine you are on a stranded island, write about what happened? How did you get there?
What happened to the people you were with?
Lesson #39
1.) WOTD: Vapid
The movie was so vapid that my friend and I both fell asleep.
2.) Reflection Assignment:
Do this in class until 10:45
3.) Grammar: Past Perfect
Lesson #38
** Test is moved to Tuesday 23.2
1.) WOTD atrocious
His hand writing was atrocious; no one was able to read it.
The crimes of the Holocaust were atrocious.
2.) Take a Stand page 36-38
Do exercises A-E
3.) Bump reading
Lesson #37 16.2
WOTD: preposterous
1.) Test Review:
a) We will review the grammar (Present Perfect)
b) We will review questions for the story
Lesson #36 11.2
1.) Grammar Review
**Next Tuesday we will review the story itself.
Lesson #35 9.2
1.) WOTD Characterize -- to describe special qualities or traits
The Corona Virus is characterized by a dry cough, a fever and being very contagious.
2.) Writing:
Post a dating profile on padlet that represents Alan in the story 'The Chaser'. (50 words)
Describe what he looks like
His hobbies
His personality
Does he have a career or profession? (what is it)
Where does he live?
Anything extra you can think of...
Imaging you are Alan. How would you describe yourself to attract a person on a dating website?
Find a picture on the internet that you think Alan might look like and ad that to your post.
3. Test On Thursday 18.2
Next Thursday we will have an open book test on the Chaser and the Present Perfect.
The test will include:
- Five questions about the story 'The Chaser'
- Eight questions about Present Perfect v.s. Past Simple
- One paragraph where you write a continuation of the story. (minimum 80 words)
*You can use the questions we did last week on teams to study.
*We will review the grammar in the next two lessons.
Lesson #34
1.) We will talk about 'The Chaser' and do a kahoot to review the story.
Note: If you cannot do the first video assignment then you will need to write out your answer and submit it on teams.
2.) Work on questions 1-5 on page 13
Lesson #31 21.1
1.) With a partner, find a video that you think is interesting or funny.
past the link inside padlet with a short description of the video.
2.) Each group will tell the class about the video and share a small part of the video as a 'teaser'.
Lesson #30 14.1
Today we do the Moed Bet.
If you don't want to improve your grade do this as a class assignment
Lesson #29 12.1
Thursday 14.1 there will be a make up quiz for those who missed the grammar quiz
Anyone who got less than 90 can take it to boost their grade.
1.) Review Present Perfect
2.) Present Perfect Progressive
Activity 1
Activity 2
Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Progressive.
3.) Reading Homework: Find a book to read in English and have it ready on Thursday
Lesson #28 7.1
1.) Write your goodbye letter into your journal
2.) Read the text and do the questions in the book: Take a Stand (p. 24-26)
Lesson #27 31.12
1.) Do the quiz here:
2.) Write a letter in your notebook to the year 2020 as if it were an actual person.
Make it a goodbye letter, and write about the things that you liked and didn't like about the year.
Lesson #26 22.12
1.) WOTD: Imposter
Everyone was shocked to find out that the President was an imposter.
We even took off his mask so everyone could see his true identity.
2.) Speaking practice with a partner: Write down 3 things that your parnter did for Chanuka
3.) Grammar Review and Practice (do the work sheets)
4.) Kahoot
Take a Stand: p. 24-26 do a,b, c, and d 1-9
Quiz: 29.12 Tuesday Next Week
Will be on the present perfect
Lesson #25. 10.12
1.) Plan a fantasy or real vacation for Hanukkah.
a) With groups of 3, decide on the best Hanukkah vacation.
b) Post three images to explain this on Padlet.
c) Write a full explanation on padlet (40-50 words)
d) Share with the class and present it. Each person must speak!
Lesson # 24. 3.12
1.) WOTD: delusions = false beliefs that people keep believing in.
He had delusions in that he believed that he knew everything and was always right. Fort that most people disliked him.
2.) Journal
What lessons can we learn from the story 'The Umbrella Man?'
3.) Kahoot--- Present Perfect
Lesson # 23 1.12
1.) WOTD: Erode = to slowly destroy or break something down into parts.
Acid erodes different materials.
The wind and water quickly eroded Ryan's sand castle.
2.) Share your journal from last week
3.) Present Perfect Simple Review -- Practice the Form
Lesson #22 26.11
1.) Stem or To Stem (Verb) = to stop something, or to cut it at it's roots.
Parents want to stem drinking and driving among teenagers.
2.) Present Perfect
3.) Journal
Write a continuation of the story Umbrella man. What happens to the man later that day?
Lesson #21 24.11
1.) WOTD: Stiff or Stiffed (verb) = cheated or scammed
Make sure you don't get stiffed, always check to make sure that they give you back the correct change.
2.) Bump Reading The Umbrella Man
3.) Finish the questions for Umbrella Man
Lesson # 20 19.11
Class is offline today. Please do the following work:
1.) Click the link below and read the story: 'The Umbrella Man'
2.) Do the online exercises here:
Do activity numbers 2, 3, and 4 only.
Lesson # 19 17.11
1.) Work in the book: 'Take a Stand' (see the picture in whats app)
Do pages 22-23 exercise a,b, c, and d.
Exercise D, is a letter that you need to write and submit into teams in the assignment section.
Lesson #18 12.11
1.) WOTD: Meek
Just because he is meek doesn't mean he is weak! He has a black belt in Ju-Jitsu, so don't be fooled his behavior...
2.) Kahoot Grammar Review
Home Work
3.) Go for a walk and write about where you went in your journal
Lesson #17 10.11
1.) WOTD: haughty = arrogant, doesn't listen to others
She was known to be haughty and often refused to apologize for her mistakes.
2.) Grammar Review
Write five things in your journal that you did on the Weekend. Use both the past simple and past progressive.
3.) Presentations
4.) English Enrichment Program:
This is voluntary whoever wants to join must contact me privately.
You will be given a project each and every month.
At the end of the year you will get comments on your report card congratulating you on
completing the program.
Lesson #16 5.11
1.) WOTD: Brash --assertive in rude way, often loud.
Many people thought that Donald was too brash to be a politician, but he proved us all wrong in 2016.
2.) Journal
Who do you think will win the election? (explain why) (30 words)
3.) Presentations
Lesson #15
WOTD: Sloven
His sloven ways were visible by his ripped pants, un-combed hair, and the fact that he didn't take a shower.
1.) Only Presentations Today
2.) I expect everyone to write new questions in the journal about the presentations
Lesson #14 29.10
1.)WOTD: Coy
The Mayor was coy about telling us if he had plans to improve the city.
2.) Presentations + Journal active listening
Lesson #14 27.10
1.) WOTD: Integrity
Because she has great integrity, I believed her when she said she saw a ghost in the haunted house.
2.) Presentation and Journal
Write THREE QUESTIONS about THREE PRESENTATIONS in your journal...
Lesson #13 22.10
1.) WOTD: Ponder = to think deeply
I was pondering a new plan to take over the world.
2.) "Doubt is an uncomfortable position, but certainty is a rediculous one" -Voltaire
Do you agree with this quote? Explain 30 words
3.) Presentations
Lesson #12 20.10
1.) WOTD: Rash (advective) = impulsive, acting without thinking
Because he was angry he made a rash decision and slammed the door very loudly.
2.) Presentation Work:
Find an object that is connected with the book in your book review.
Write 40 words about how that object is connected to the story that you read.
Write this in the 'Class Journal' so I can see your work.
3.) Continue working on your google slides presentation.
4.) If you finished everything, you can work in the book: 'Take a Stand'
Do pages 22-23. Exercise a,b,c, and d.
Lesson #11 15.10
1.) WOTD -- unscathed = unharmed
She escaped the burning house unscathed.
2.) Book Review Presentation --- Due on 22.10
Work using google slides.
1.) Use one image and 1-3 sentences maximum on each slide
Slide 1- Title, genre and author
Slide 2 - Protagonist and Antagonist (two main characters)
Slide 3 - What is the main conflict in the story. (can be more than one)
Slide 4 - How does the story develop?
Slide 5 - What is the climax (the most intense part of the story)
Slide 6 - Do you recommend the story explain why or why not
Lesson #10 13.10
1.) WOTD -- Eerie
They heard an eerie sound coming from the basement of the haunted house.
2.) Journal:
"We live to survive our paradoxes" The Tragically Hip
What is a paradox? What do you think it might mean to survive your own paradox?
3.) Bump Reading p. 16 -17
Homework Check
4.) Homework: Take a Stand p. 19 and 20 (do exercises A and B only)
Lesson #9 1.10
1.) WOTD -- Lavish = fancy, big, and expensive.
The Trump family had a lavish birthday party.
2.) Journal
"Human beings are like elastic bands, they work best when they are stretched" Mr. Leach
What lesson can we take from this quote. Do you agree with it?
3.) Grammar Homework Check
4.) Telling the news
5.) Kahoot
Take a Stand do page 16-18
Read the and answer all the questions until G. Post your answers on teams
Lesson #8 29.9
1.) WOTD -- Envy
He envied the fact that his Grandma favored his older sister.
2.) Journal--
What does this quote mean for you?
"Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy" Robert A. Heinlein
3.) Finish Telling The News
4.) Grammar Review: Do the Exercises Below:
Homework: Do these past simple exercises-- Write the answers in your notebook
Present Simple and Progressive
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Lesson #7 24.9
1.) WOTD: Egregious
The lawyer was shocked because the crime was egregious.
2.) Speaking-- Everyone needs to share their news story with the class
3.) Book Report:
Final copy of your book review is due on Tuesday 29.9
Lesson #6 22.9
1.) WOTD: Jovial --- means; happy, joyful, or positive
'He was a jovial old man, so everyone loved him.'
2.) Journal:
"Every Saint has a past, and every sinner has a future" -Oscar Wilde
What does this quote mean for you? (30 words)
3.) Telling the News (News Assignment)
Announcement: We will finish our final draft of the book review this Thursday in class on 24.9
Lesson #5 17.9
1.) WOTD: Unreserved.
People say that Donald Trump is unreserved when he speaks.
2.) Journal: How can we make Rosh Hashanah fun this year?
3.) Continue With Take a Stand --- Do page 11 sectionA
Do the 1st draft of your book review.
Lesson #4 15.09
1.) WOTD: Privy
2.) Journal:
"Reality is a figment of your lack of imagination." -Chuck Hammel
Do you agree with this? What do you think it means?
3.) Students in Class: Do the Book Review
4.) Students At Home: Work in Take a Stand. pages 8-10
Do questions D 1-10 (in your notebook)
I will check your answers in the next class
Lesson #3: 10.9
1.) WOTD: Uncouth
He was very uncouth, his apartment was dirty, he didn't shower, and I saw rats eating food from his floor.
2.) Think of a problem that we have in society:
example: gambling, drinking and driving, homelessness,
If you could change any of these problems which one would you change?
How would you make the change happen?
3.) Vocabulary:
Study the vocabulary list on page 8, in 'Take a Stand'.
Lesson #2: 8.9
1.) WOTD: Juxtapose
When we put two opposite qualities together we are juxtaposing them. Example, an intelligent fool.
2.) Journal:
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. -Albert Camus
Reflect on this quote in your journal. What do you think it means? Is there something we can learn from this?
3.) Book Reports
Today we will work on your book report. We will do a rough draft.
If you are at home please write your rough draft here:
Lesson #1: 8.9
1.) WOTD
2.) Ice breaker/ journal
A) Find a partner ask them to describe their summer with three words. Then ask them what their goals are for this year.
Share this with the class.
B) Go to padlet and post a picture to represent your own goal, write about why it's important and what you need to reach it.
3.) Expectations
2.) Orientation how to use teams for this lesson
see the video here
3.) Scavenger Hunt:
With a partner find the emojis that I hid inside teams.
Put your name on the google doc and tell me where each emojii is hidden.